Friday, January 28, 2011

My Amy.

               One of life’s most difficult challenges and perhaps hardest lessons to learn is that our plans are not always God’s plan. Life as we know it, or expect it to be, sometimes takes a sudden turn and leaves us feeling disappointed and very empty. With the death of my best friend, Amy, I was forced to bare a pain in my heart unlike any I had ever known. One that I found only God could get me through.
                Amy and I always had a good time together. We could be doing the simplest thing and still have the best time because we were doing it together. One of our favorite things to do was watch movies. If it was a sad movie and I got teary eyed, she would pat her lap and say, “Kim, come over here” and she would let me sit on her lap and cry.
                My last moments spent with her are a treasure to me. We had gone to get our nails done and she met me at a store so we could ride together. When we were done and in the car on the way home, I asked her to play a song that was a favorite of ours at the time. Little did I know that would be the last time I would ever hear it with her. As I got out of the car, I just said, “Bye, I’ll see you when I get back from Michigan. I’m sure I’ll talk to you online before I go or something.” She replied with. “Okay, talk to you later.” That night, before I left for Michigan, she called me. She called to say that she was out with her brother getting a milkshake and that she just wanted to call and tell me goodbye. When I look back upon that phone call, I am so grateful that she called me to say goodbye. If she hadn’t, I would have been so angry with myself for not saying goodbye properly.
                When I got the news of her death, I was devastated. The one person that I had spent almost every day with over that summer was gone. There were a couple of things that I was so afraid of when she passed away. I feared that people would just move on and not think about her or talk about her anymore. I was also afraid that she would become less and less a part of my life over time and that her memory would fade away. I have tried over the years to keep her memory fresh. It is the little things that remind me of her most. The smell of warm vanilla sugar will always remind me of her and I will never forget those long arms wrapped around me for a hug.
                It seems as if it was only yesterday that Amy and I were lying outside on the trampoline, looking at the stars, listening to love songs, talking and dreaming about growing up and what the future had in store for us. August will mark the 10 year anniversary of her death. I have experienced so many things, happy and sad, without her.
                The memories and the jokes that we shared will always be with me and with every memory there is a little piece of her still in my heart and in my life. I am so thankful for all of the wonderful memories and time that the Lord allowed me to have with her. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

small world{BIG GOD}.

The Lord never ceases to amaze me. I don't know why I am constantly surprised by Him! The truth of the matter is, 2011 started out like I never imagined but I couldn't be more grateful for each and every second and situation He has brought about. The Lord allowed loss and hurt and at the time, I didn't understand and I'm still in a funk but I have seen HIM in a whole new light. He has remained faithful to me. I am so much closer to Him and more discerning. People will constantly disappoint me, they will always let me down but I have learned from "people" how to be a better person. I am daily striving to be the kind of person I am looking for in friends. Instead of constantly picking everyone else apart and fixing things about others, I'm doing it to myself. I want people in my life that make me a better me and encourage me in my relationship with Christ. Thank-you Jesus for bringing those people in my life!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011


Without trust, we have nothing. After the week I've had, it's so hard for me to trust anyone. My guard is, once again, up. I had finally gotten to a place where I started trusting people again. Well, that's shattered. How do you know when someone is trustworthy? Should I really trust someone with my heart, with my secrets, and with my life unless they prove otherwise? I am so confused right now and completely vulnerable. I want to think that there are decent people out there that have my best interest at heart but I just don't know what or who to believe anymore...

Thursday, January 6, 2011


                The older that I have become, the more I’ve realized that I am an incredible actress. And by acting I mean, the master of acting like I have it all together, like my life is something to be jealous of and desired. I have appeared to be the girl that has it all. Even my own family has not realized how badly I was hurting inside. The real world is filled with people who are hurting so badly and the misfortune is that no one even realizes just how badly others are hurting. 
                We live in a society that is so self-centered. If you were to stand in line at the grocery store you would see a magazine that is entitled “Self”. That just proves how self-absorbed we have become. It’s all about me. It’s all about doing what makes you feel good. We are too busy looking at ourselves and our problems that we often forget there are others that are hurting just as bad if not worse.
              My ultimate goal for this year is to love God and love people. In order to do that, I'm going to need to take most of the attention off of myself and genuinely be concerned with others. I am blessed beyond belief and if I can just be a listening ear for someone, that's a huge blessing in and of itself! 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year. New YOU?!

  It's that time of year again. A new year which ultimately stirs up a myriad of emotions within. One target for a new years resolution is the thought of "what am I going to fix about myself this year?". I know my mentality has been geared that way. But should a new year really constitute a new you? I'm a firm believer in the fact that we are constantly evolving, we never fully arrive, we are in a constant state of change. Do I really want this year to CHANGE me? I want this year to make me a better me. I am who I am and I'm proud of it, irregardless of whether others feel the same.
 God has a funny way of throwing curve balls and lighting a fire under my behind. That's happened a lot lately and it's caused me to take a step back and look at the ugliness that is me. I am by no means perfect or would never even begin to lead you to believe I am close. I am flawed. But I am super excited to see what the Lord has in store for me! That just makes me all the more thankful that the Lord is who HE is.
 So, as far as my new years resolutions go...I've got a list. But I am absolutely thrilled to work through each and every one of them!